Gentle Reminders for Social Media

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This is a downloadable digital file.  It can be saved in your photos or used as a screen saver; whatever fits your personal preference.


During the pandemic I noticed how toxic my relationship became with IG. I was addicted to the empty instant gratifications the app gave me and it controlled my mood and happiness.  I don't ever want to get to that place with IG nor any other social media and so I created this mental health checklist.  In the beginning, this checklist should be viewed every time before entering a social media app.  I like to think of it as a mantra so to speak.  As you become more self aware, you can view this checklist every once in a while.  


I created a list and was feeling stuck.  I knew I wanted to add more but I also wanted to be inclusive of what other people would find valuable.  Sooooo, I opened an IG story poll and took stock of the ideas from my community.  I pooled together all the comments I gathered, along with my original ones, and consolidated them into this piece.